The planning and execution of complex events like weddings, conferences, and tradeshows can be significantly improved by technology. However, there are many options for the Event Planning App, which can be confusing to navigate. This blog post will discuss crucial factors to consider when comparing various options so your event management technology performs to its full potential. Enterprises can optimize their investment in event management technology by making well-informed decisions grounded in their knowledge of available features.

Importance of Event Planning App

An extremely flexible tool that brings together various aspects of event management is the Event Planning App. An event planning app is becoming increasingly necessary as event planning trends speed up. Businesses and organizations now significantly rely on event planning apps to plan and execute events successfully. Innovative technology is resulting in significant challenges for the global events industry. So, being productive and organized is crucial for success in the demanding field of event planning. Thanks to technological advancements, event planners now have powerful tools that can enhance the overall experience for planners and attendees. A survey found that 83% of event planners use custom mobile event planning apps to boost communication and awareness.

Top Event Planning App Features: 

People are becoming increasingly focused on the features and functions of event planning apps to improve the outcomes of events. So, we have covered the top features of event planning apps and some advice on choosing one. Whether you are developing an app for the event or searching for one, we’ve got you covered.

Custom-tailored Templates

As each event is unique, a good event planning app should offer customizable templates for different types of events. With this feature, users can quickly and easily create and customize schedules, invitations, and other documents. This feature saves time and ensures consistency in the planning process. Event coordinators can customize and expertly add a personalized touch by changing templates according to the requirements.

Ticketing and Registration

Integrated ticketing and a smooth registration setup are crucial elements of event management that affect organizers and guests alike. You can have a separate dedicated segment in your app to offer registration and ticketing to your event attendees. With the event app’s help, you can track your event registrations and ticketing process. Few planners create an app specifically for ticketing and registration at their events. Furthermore, it is helpful to have reliable registration features like waitlisting, promotion codes, and confirmation emails. Ticketing makes it possible to offer different prices, discounts, and large purchases. 

Adaptable Payment Gateway

Payment is the next essential component of the event app. If you offer tickets and registrations for the event on the app, you must have a payment option. Your mobile event app can be integrated with well-known payment gateway platforms such as PayPal, Google Pay, and Apple Pay. It is advisable to provide your guests with multiple payment methods, such as debit cards, net banking, credit cards, mobile wallets, etc. This feature maximizes convenience and caters to the preferences of attendees.

Read also: What Type of Events Do Event Planners Plan?

Strong Management Feature

Better events result from efficient management of the guest list and an enhanced visitor experience. Seek features that are easy to use, such as front-of-line check-in, CRM integration, dietary needs, access accommodations, and seating assignments. It is effortless to keep track of RSVPs, manage groups and tables, print specialized badges, and adjust to changes when you have robust guest management tools. Following an event upholds engagement.

Mobile Accessibility

Attendees can use a specialized mobile event app on their smartphones to access schedules, maps, speaker information, networking opportunities, and more. This is a very well-liked contemporary event feature that increases participant involvement. Some advantages include reduced onsite paper usage, location-based notifications, interactive content sharing, and entertaining gamification features. 

Offline Usability

Most event organizer apps skip this feature, but offering your users a seamless offline experience is essential. It should be possible for your app to function offline and to adjust to a slow network connection. There might be a situation where they do not have a network connection; in that case, they will not be able to access the app. So, make your event app ready for offline use.

Speaker’s Profile 

A speaker profile is the next feature your event app needs to have. There may be a variety of speakers at your event, and guests may be interested in learning more about them. Therefore, you must provide them with all the information they require about the event speakers. Attendees can narrow down which session they want to attend at your event by looking through speaker biographies. Attempt to provide a synopsis of your speaker’s topics during the event, etc. Additionally, include the speakers’ social media profiles or links so that, following the session, attendees can stay in touch with them.


Navigation is the next essential feature of your event app. Your app must have a navigation feature, whether you are hosting an in-person or virtual event. You can prevent your audience from feeling overwhelmed or confused at the venue by providing a navigation feature in the event app. You can also create a map of your event so your audience can use it to find the venue.

Marketing Automation for Events

Your event can be continuously promoted through marketing automation via email, social media, digital advertisements, and more. Due to this feature, Pre- and post-event marketing campaigns are made more accessible. Convert content into tailored emails, social media posts, and advertisements easily for every platform. Automated reminders regularly re-engage attendees. Cut down on manual labour and improve output.

Exceptional Customer Support

Without outstanding continuous support, training, and service, even the most sophisticated software is useless. Ensure your supplier has enough resources to assist you in making the most of their platform and your events. Seek easily accessible resources such as chat, online knowledge bases, phone and email support, weekly live demos, online customer communities, and more. Frequent optimizations and updates to the product are also crucial.

Unwavering Data Security

Security comes next on our list of features for event apps. Any mobile event app you choose or create for your event must have a security feature. It is essential not just from the event planners’ point of view but also from the attendee’s point of view. As an event planner, you must protect the critical information that attendees share when they log into the app, register, and purchase tickets. The confidentiality of your attendees’ data cannot be compromised. You can include a two-factor authentication feature for the attendees’ protection at your event.

Strong Customer Support

Customer support is Undoubtedly the most crucial component of any mobile event app. Some guests might need help navigating your app and comprehending its features. You can provide them with a brief tutorial or virtual tour, but they might still require help or have questions about the app, the event, presenters, sponsors, or any of its features. In that scenario, you can provide them with customer service via phone, email, chat, or video call. A strong customer service department can help you win attendees’ trust.

Third-Party Integration

The mobile app you choose for your event should have a feature for third-party integration. Integration is crucial in order to integrate your app with additional platforms. The event planning app must integrate with social media platforms, payment gateways, emails, etc. For example, social media integration allows your audience to post content directly from the mobile event app to their social media accounts. Also, on the platform, they can also see what other attendees share about your event on social media.

Set Notifications option

Push notifications are a must when discussing event app features. You will be able to notify your audience of significant updates and reminders by using push notifications. Push notifications will both inform and engage your audience about your event. If your mobile event app has that feature, you can automate the push notification process. In addition, you can segment your push notifications based on the attendees of your event. Push notifications offer the potential for personalization. This implies that you can convey customized greetings, discounts on event tickets, availability, and thank-you notes.

Real-Time Analytics 

Firm analytics offer a data-driven understanding of lead generation, feature usage, content interaction, event app experiences, and overall return on investment. Your present and upcoming events will significantly benefit from these clever event features.

Now Have Some Key Features of ZNJ’s Event Planning App

Task Management 

One of the best apps for organizing events can simplify complex task management processes. This is where ZNJ really shines, providing an easy-to-use task management tool that makes it simple for event planners to create, arrange, and monitor tasks. A user-friendly interface covers every facet of event preparation, from creating guest lists to deciding on décor details, guaranteeing a smooth planning process.

Planning collaboratively and integrating the team

When it comes to organizing an event, collaboration is crucial. Understanding this, ZNJ promotes teamwork in event planning by offering a seamless setting for multiple team members to work together on the same project. Real-time updates ensure that all parties agree, facilitating effective coordination and communication. Whether a planner is working alone or with a larger team, ZNJ ensures that everyone associated with the event has access to the data they need.

Managing Vendors

Event planning requires an extensive list of vendors in addition to the planner. ZNJ makes vendor coordination easier, enabling planners to manage and interact with vendors effectively. ZNJ centralizes vendor interactions for a more seamless planning process, from catering to entertainment. Serving as a hub, the app ensures that all outside components work together harmoniously to produce an event that is well-planned and executed.

Budget Management

A truly successful event requires diligent budget management. ZNJ offers an easy-to-use feature for tracking budgets because they recognize the value of accurate financial information. By dividing the money among various event components, planners can avoid going over budget and make sure every dollar is spent carefully. With ZNJ at your fingertips, managing your budget is now a simplified process rather than a headache.

Real-time Analytics: 

Data is power in the information age. ZNJ gives event planners access to real-time analytics and insights into a range of event-planning topics. The app provides data-driven decision-making capabilities, from attendance statistics to budget breakdowns. By adjusting their strategies according to complex data, planners can make well-informed decisions and guarantee that every event results from careful planning and analysis.

Is using mobile apps for events helpful in 2023?

In 2023, mobile event apps will be significantly helpful for event planning and have the potential to improve attendees’ experiences. Mobile event apps act as a communication channel between attendees, event planners, and organizers; through event apps, they can share all the vital information and updates regarding the event. Event apps offer many benefits, including simplified registration and increased sponsor attraction.

ZNJ- Best App for Planning an Event

In the dynamic world of event planning, an app that anticipates planners’ needs and keeps up with trends is invaluable. ZNJ is the most excellent app for event planning because of its feature set, which caters to modern planners’ diverse and ever-evolving needs. ZNJ offers real-time analytics and simple task management, making it a reliable partner in organizing unforgettable events. ZNJ’s app features are designed to enhance your event planning experience, so you can quickly welcome the future of event planning.

Event planners should concentrate on the five Ps: plan, partner, place, practise, and permission, in order to achieve that.

It is a common belief that adequate planning is the key to anything successful. Thus, if you wonder what makes an event successful, ensure it is carefully, thoroughly, and accurately planned.

The mobile app is a round-the-clock communication channel to provide event attendees with a more customised experience and superior customer support. Whether in the workplace or at the event site, mobile accessibility enables planners to oversee events while on the road, guaranteeing flexibility and prompt decision-making.
